
OZANA is a Non-profit organization based in Zagreb, Croatia.
Its main mission is to improve the quality of life of young and adult people with intellectual disabilities and their families. The program combines rehabilitation and therapeutic activities with social content.
Contact: strikeraj.cafe@centarozana.hr
Inclusive workshop involving young and adult people with intellectual disabilities, and anyone interested in knitting and crocheting.
Štrikeraj café, Ulica grada Vukovara 239, Zagreb is open to everyone who wants to knit or crochet with us, as well as to those who want to learn and improve their skills.
We design and implement socially engaged knitting and crocheting initiatives in which everyone can participate, regardless of their level of skills. They are equally challenging and interesting for everyone, everyone can have a sense of achievement with their contribution, and the resulting product helps a specific group in need. Our initiatives usually involve knitted and crocheted installations and interventions in space.
By presenting the therapeutic possibilities of knitting and crocheting at conferences and to all interested parties, we create awareness of the benefits of these activities and encourage others to integrate them into their work or leisure time.